quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011

When do we use the Capital Letters in English? - Quando usamos as Letras Maiúsculas em inglês?

Peter and Jesus Christ
   Capital Letters

The capital letter is also called a big letter or uppercase letter, or sometimes just a capital.

              A B C D E F G H I J K L M
               N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

When do you use a capital letter?

1. Use a capital letter for the first letter in a

The dog is barking.
Come here!

2. Always use a capital letter for the word :

 I am eight years old.
Tom and I are good friends.

3. Use a capital letter for the names of people:

Alice, Tom, James, Kim, Snow White

4. Use a capital letter for the names of places:

National Museum, Bronx Zoo, London, Sacramento

5. Use a capital letter for festivals, holidays,
days of the week, months of the year:

New Year’s Day, Christmas, Labor Day, Mother’s Day, Sunday, Monday, Friday, January, May, July, October.

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