Símbolos da Páscoa e seus Significados
Symbols of Easter and your mianing
For Easter Cards, posters and home decorating, Easter symbols are bright and beautiful and rich with spiritual tradition. Children can paint them onto windows using plain old tempera paint -- it washes off well and is what many stores use for their window decor. (a couple drops of Joy or such after it's mixed in a cup will really help it come off well later.) Here is the background of a few as I've heard it. Para cartões de Páscoa, cartazes e decorar casa, símbolos da Páscoa são brilhantes e bonitos e ricos com a tradição espiritual. As crianças podem pintá-los no Windows usando tinta têmpera e velho - ela lava fora bem e é o que muitas lojas usam para a decoração da janela. (Duas gotas de alegria ou tal depois é misturado em um copo realmente vai ajudá-lo a sair bem mais tarde.) Aqui é o fundo de uns poucos, como eu já ouvi isso. Lamb:
The Jews used to sacrifice a lamb during Passover. Jesus died for our sins during Passover season, so He was our "Lamb"--we never need to sacrifice an animal again! Also, just days before He died, He called all who listen to Him His sheep.
Os judeus costumavam sacrificar um cordeiro durante a Páscoa. Jesus morreu por nossos pecados durante a época da Páscoa, para que Ele era o nosso "Cordeiro" - que nunca é necessário sacrificar um animal de novo! Além disso, poucos dias antes de morrer, ele chamou todos os que o escutam as Suas ovelhas.
Colored Eggs and chicks:
Chicks newly-hatched from eggs represent life where none seeming existed before -- like Jesus coming from the tomb! There is an old legend that speaks to colored eggs. The story goes that when Jesus fell carrying the cross on His way to Calvary, a man stepped forward and lovingly helped Jesus when He stumbled and fell. The man was Simon of Cyrene. When Simon returned home to tend his chores, he found that all the eggs the hens had laid were colored with many different colors. Coloring eggs for Easter probably came from the fasts done preceding Easter (Lent) in Eastern Europe. The faithful would not eat certain foods, like meat, dairy products, or eggs -- a way of going without like Christ in the desert (still common in Orthodox churches today.) In rural areas, that means the eggs really piled up! So they were painted and colored and used ornamentally on Easter to represent joy, festivity, celebration of new life. Ovos Coloridos e pintos:
Colored Eggs and chicks:
Chicks newly-hatched from eggs represent life where none seeming existed before -- like Jesus coming from the tomb! There is an old legend that speaks to colored eggs. The story goes that when Jesus fell carrying the cross on His way to Calvary, a man stepped forward and lovingly helped Jesus when He stumbled and fell. The man was Simon of Cyrene. When Simon returned home to tend his chores, he found that all the eggs the hens had laid were colored with many different colors. Coloring eggs for Easter probably came from the fasts done preceding Easter (Lent) in Eastern Europe. The faithful would not eat certain foods, like meat, dairy products, or eggs -- a way of going without like Christ in the desert (still common in Orthodox churches today.) In rural areas, that means the eggs really piled up! So they were painted and colored and used ornamentally on Easter to represent joy, festivity, celebration of new life. Ovos Coloridos e pintos:
Filhotes recém-nascidos de ovos representam a vida onde nada existia antes parecendo - como Jesus, que vinha do túmulo! Há uma antiga lenda que fala de ovos coloridos. A história diz que quando Jesus caiu com a cruz a caminho do Calvário, um homem se aproximou e carinhosamente ajudou Jesus quando Ele tropeçou e caiu. O homem foi Simão de Cirene. Quando Simon voltou para casa para cuidar de suas tarefas, ele descobriu que todos os ovos que as galinhas tinham previstas foram coloridos com muitas cores diferentes. Colorir ovos para a Páscoa provavelmente veio dos jejuns feitos que precede a Páscoa (Quaresma), no leste da Europa. Os fiéis não comer determinados alimentos, como carne, lacticínios ou ovos - uma maneira de ficar sem como Cristo no deserto (. Ainda comum em igrejas ortodoxas hoje) Nas áreas rurais, o que significa que os ovos realmente empilhados! Então, eles foram pintados e coloridos e ornamentais utilizadas na Páscoa para representar alegria, festividade, celebração da vida nova.